
Supporting Stop Food Waste Day

Apr, 2024

On Stop Food Waste Day we are keen to highlight the benefits of frozen food in the campaign to reduce the amount of food that’s thrown away.

A staggering 33% of all food produced in the world is wasted every year – a shocking statistic that should prompt us all to do what we can to cut the amount of food waste we produce.

Frozen food is playing a key role in reducing food waste

Here at Frank Dale, we’re promoting how the freezer is your friend – a key tool in the campaign to limit food waste.

Thawing and serving according to demand is a great way to reduce the amount of food that’s thrown away.

“Frozen food is now used extensively in the food service and catering sector,” explains Frank Dale MD Edward Miles. “It’s convenient, often nutritionally better than fresh options that may have lost vitamins and nutrition, has a longer ‘shelf life’, and provides numerous other benefits, not least the fact that it can be really useful in cutting down the waste produced by professional kitchens and caterers. As the unseen chef, our frozen sweet and savoury products can be a real bonus in the battle against food waste.”

How to get involved in Stop Food Waste Day

Find out more about Stop Food Waste Day here and use the following hash tags on social media : #StopFoodWasteDay #StopFoodWasteDay2024 #frozenfood 

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